Mariners 936

Saturday Sailing Opportunities

Mariner Juniors – Mariners 

Where we go one: we go all – Pass it on

Season Calendar Saturday sailing will continue for the next three weeks.  The final Saturday of the Fall Season will be the Saturday before Thanksgiving.  The Winter Season will not start until some time in January.

Morning and Afternoon Free Sail Instructional use of the vessels has been completed for the season.  All vessels may now be used for recreational free sail in both the mornings and the afternoons.

Multi-Person Vessels Under very controlled circumstances, the vessels designed for more than one person may be sailed.  Requirements will be established by Alex DeShazer and James Heller.  Persons interested in this opportunity need to make arrangements in advance.  Parental permission in writing, group bubbles, masks and social distancing as directed by Alex and James will be strictly enforced.

Large Vessels As with multi-person vessels, these vessels are available for use.  Contact John Fellner if you are interested.
Signing up on GIVSUM IS absolutely required! Alex has good heartedly allowed persons to show up without sign up in the past.  The result has been a lot of pressure on him to quickly find additional adult help.  This is not fair to our volunteers!!!
First come – first served.  The limit is 10

Adult Volunteers Adult supervision is usually hard to find.  If you volunteer and never hear back, we are very sorry.  We are all volunteers.  Stuff falls through the cracks.  Please be insistent.

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