There are four Sea Scout ranks that can be earned within Sea Scouts: Apprentice, Ordinary, Able, and Quartermaster. The Quartermaster rank is the Sea Scout equivalent to the Boy Scouts’ Eagle Scout rank and is a very prestigious accomplishment. Each rank has specific prerequisites and requirements that a sea scout must meet, promoting skill development and leadership.
The timetable to achieve each rank is roughly as follows:
- Apprentice: One full Season
- Ordinary: Two full Seasons
- Able: Three full seasons
- Quartermaster: Varies
Apprentice Rank
Striving for the Apprentice rank, active Sea Scouts learn ideals, courtesies, procedures, and responsibilities, and how members of a Sea Scout ship are organized and uniformed. Basic swimming and beginning seamanship skills are required, as is knowledge of safety, emergency procedures, and Safe Swim Defense. Service hours in ship projects, activities, equipment maintenance or in the community fill out the requirements.
Ordinary Rank in the Sea Scout Rank System
Active Sea Scouts attain the Ordinary rank through additional service, knowledge of the Sea Scout emblem, U.S. flag etiquette, and land and sea protocols. Successful candidates will participate in strengthening ship membership, serve as an event chair, complete quarterdeck training, pass the swimming merit badge requirements, and qualify on various safety and emergency procedures, drills, communication methods, and Safety Afloat. They learn about the galley, build on seamanship and boat-handling skills, and learn about anchoring, piloting and navigation, and related regulations. Overnight cruise planning and participation provides for the application of skills, and completing additional electives broadens horizons.
Able Rank
To achieve the Able rank, Sea Scouts must demonstrate complete knowledge seamanship skills, mastering ceremony presentation and demonstrating knowledge of maritime history. They also teach others about the program and fulfill leadership responsibilities. They must pass the lifesaving merit badge requirements and develop further expertise in safety and first aid. There is a continued progression in seamanship, boat-handling skills, anchoring, and piloting and navigation, as well as a deeper understanding of maritime environmental issues.
Quartermaster Rank and Leadership Service Project
The highest award for Sea Scouts presents a challenge that, when met, has lifelong benefits. The Sea Scout Leadership Award is a prestigious recognition given by councils, Service Territories, and the BSA National Council to Sea Scouts and adult Leaders who have significantly contributed to the Sea Scout program.
The Quartermaster candidate must think analytically about how the program is delivered and supported, while developing a deeper understanding of Scouting ideals. Most requirements represent an intensification of what was learned for previous ranks, but with significant additions in the Quartermaster leadership service project, study of weather and forecasting, and completion of additional electives.
Sea Scout youth who achieve the Quartermaster rank must complete the Quartermaster service project, demonstrating marlinspike seamanship, and conducting critical drills. They must also gain knowledge in maritime history, fulfill leadership responsibilities, and achieve rank by passing a council-level board.
The Quartermaster leadership service project includes a long cruise badge and requires the scout to demonstrate leadership skills and accomplish projects that benefit their Sea Scout ship or her ship.
Sea Scouts in the Able rank must teach Sea Scouts skills to others, including basic marlinspike seamanship skills and boat handling skills, while also participating in a community service project. They should complete quarterdeck training, learn special skills relating to maritime environmental issues, and fulfill leadership responsibilities.
Active Sea Scouts should participate in ship meetings and engage in equipment maintenance to fill out their requirements.
The Sea Scout rank system is designed to build a young person’s lifelong skills, enhancing their knowledge of both land and sea protocols, and preparing them for roles as adult leaders. The rank of Able Sea Scout and the Quartermaster rank are the highest ranks attainable, each requiring significant dedication and effort. The Sea Scout experience includes learning about flag etiquette, the Sea Scout emblem, and the Scout Oath.
Understanding and achieving Sea Scout ranks involves more than just attending ship meetings; it requires a commitment to learning, leadership, and service. From the basic swimming and beginning seamanship skills required for the Apprentice rank to the complex Quartermaster service project, Sea Scouting is a journey that prepares youth for a lifetime of maritime adventure.
Sea Scouts who achieve the rank of Quartermaster gain recognition similar to the Eagle Scout in Boy Scouts. They develop a deeper understanding of maritime practices, participate in overnight cruises, and learn from experienced Sea Scout leaders and coast guard auxiliary members. The Sea Scout uniforms and ranks symbolize their accomplishments and dedication to the Sea Scout program.
By following the structured Sea Scout rank system, youth can progress from learning the basics to mastering advanced maritime skills, all while building character, leadership abilities, and a respect for the sea. Whether participating in a venturing crew, engaging in a community service project, or learning about the coast guard, Sea Scouts provides a comprehensive and rewarding experience for all involved.